Forrester laat haar licht schijnen op online recruitment, 2

Logotype ForresterVandaag de tweede aflevering van Forrester’s antwoorden op een aantal vragen die ik hen heb gesteld. Er zullen er nog zeker een aantal volgen…

Vandaag drie vragen:

  • Hoe veranderd de toegevoegde waarde van uitzendbureaus in de komende jaren?
  • Zal de arbeidsvoorziening in de toekomst door de overheid worden uitbesteed?
  • Hoe worden vacaturesites en vertical search engines geraakt door de verbeteringen in zoekfunctionaliteit van de grote zoekmachines (Google, Bing)

Hoe veranderd de toegevoegde waarde van uitzendbureaus in de komende jaren?
The staffing industry is becoming better automated through technologies which manage direct placement and billing with corporate employers, using contracts that allow the employer to flex up and down as commodity staffing resources are needed. These firms will benefit from an increasing reliance on temporary resources, which represents an increasing percentage of total headcount going forward.

The automation of the employment relationship between the staffing firm and employees/contractors will also benefit from higher levels of self-service for on-boarding, training and payment processes.

Zal de arbeidsvoorziening in de toekomst door de overheid worden uitbesteed?
PES (Public Employment Services) is a candidate for outsourcing and privatization. One of the drivers is technology, which is more quickly adopted and deployed in the private sector. Another potential factor is job mobility across jurisdictions, although this is being facilitated in Europe currently by EURES. Economic factors will depend on funding models. To the extent that outsourcers can lower costs for the government-run employment agencies, this will be a driver as well.

Hoe worden vacaturesites en vertical search engines geraakt door de verbeteringen in zoekfunctionaliteit van de grote zoekmachines (Google, Bing) 
Google is definitely a threat to disrupt the job board and job aggregation markets. The company has a model to encourage and fund innovation, and this is an area that we believe will be a focus for Google in the future. The key challenge for Google or Microsoft is not how to harness the technology, but rather, it is how to create a profitable revenue stream from it. Whereas Google is an innovative company at heart, Microsoft seeks to improve upon innovations of others. One possible strategy for it would be to replicate or acquire LinkedIn for candidate information. They could also replicate the job aggregation sites as well.

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