Vacaturesite Stepstone snijdt in personeelsbestand, 5% wordt ontslagen

Logo en logotype StepstoneGisteren heeft CEO Sebastian Dettmers via een e-mail alle medewerkers van vacaturesite Stepstone geinformeerd over een forse ontslagronde:

Over the last few years our company has grown strongly, and we have made big steps in helping companies to hire the right talent. We launched highly innovative products, expanded our footprint in Europe and the US, and hit record numbers. But we also need to acknowledge that during this time, many areas of our business have become too complex and inefficient.

At this stage of our journey, I believe now is the right time to implement changes that will streamline our operations and sharpen our commitment to critical areas of our business. We intend to increase our focus on delivering customer value, on our global platform and to shift investments towards AI, innovation, and the automation of work.

Overall, and subject to consultation (where required) roughly 215 people (5%) may ultimately leave The Stepstone Group.

Dat was het. Omineus nieuws maar ook niet meer dat.

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