En ik zit alweer klaar voor de tweede spreker in mijn bomvolle agenda: Armin Trost. Een heuse professor (HRM) van de Furtwangen University Business School. En Trost will look at the future for talent management and the impact of both social and HR technology on organisations and the way they they are managed. En dat alles in slechts 30 minuten. Ik hoop dat hij snel kan praten…
Dit zijn overigens (onder meer…) de onderwerpen die Trost zal behandelen:
- Megatrends that will change the way companies will try to fill their key functions both form external and internal talent pools.
- New concepts and solutions in HR as recruiting becomes more active and talent-focused.
- Talent management without corporate talent management programs that enables talents to individually take control over their corporate career, and learning and development.
- The democratization of talent management.
- How future HR technology supports talents rather than HR.
Ik ben benieuwd!