So now there’s Ihaterecruiters (a peculiar, selfdisgratulatory name). Ihaterecruiters wishes to connect applicants to startups. A nice new niche. They promise finding your dream job will be infinitely easier, by applying alchemy.
This promise is, of course, ludicrous, as the effort required to join their community is not infinitesimal. In contrast, probably, to the chance Ihaterecruiters will land you your dream job. But let’s zoom past this horribly old fashioned bloating and focus on what they offer:
By honesty and transparancy we try to make the startup world a better place.
That sounds übergreat, but will they adequately land normal people normal jobs? Let’s probe the extent of their transparency:
Do they:
- List their ‘vast network of high potential startups’? No. We’ll have to take their word for it.
- Show how many vacancies they offer in exchange for my subscription? No. We’ll have to hope for the best.
- Tell me who they are? No. We’ll have to hope they fix the link on their site.
- Try and kill me after they land me? Yes. They bring cake. Refined sugar kills. Can’t they cater quiche to this niche?
- Disclose how they make money? Yes. They let your employer pay while you stay.
Firstly, we have our own in-house clients that approach us for embedded recruiting as their company grows. And secondly, we earn money through pay-as-they-stay. We believe it’s our responsibility to share the ups & downs of finding your perfect job. When we secure your dream role, we invoice our SaaS-like fee to the client on a monthly basis over a period of 20 months. And here’s the kicker, we stop invoicing them if and when you leave, no questions asked.
Ihaterecruiters bills tenure related. This is laudable. Are there still recruiting agencies getting away with not doing this?