Monster heeft gisteren de resultaten over het eerste kwartaal van 2011 bekend gemaakt. En die resultaten waren zonder meer goed. Ten opzichte van Q1 2010 kon een omzetgroei van maar liefst 23% worden gemeld. En Sal Iannuzzi (CEO Monster) was dan ook exteem bullish in zijn commentaar:
We had a strong start to the year with first quarter 2011 bookings and revenue growth of 24% and 23%, respectively. These results were driven by the improved value proposition we offer our customers worldwide and the continued global economic recovery. We are confident we have the right strategy in place and reiterate our outlook for bookings and revenue growth in 2011 to be in the range of 20 – 25% and remain committed to significantly improving profitability
Maar wat ik vooral opvallend vind is wat hij niet zegt; want dit is wat Iannuzzi zei bij de presentatie van de resultaten over Q4 2010:
Our unrivaled global reach, innovative solutions, and search products powered by our patented 6Sense® technology will allow us to win against all competitors in the market and to continue to gain global market share in 2011.