The hype generator

Recruitment apps are hot. If you haven’t scored your first billion in funding yet, then you are missing out. We’ll show you how its done. First generate a brilliant idea, using our hype generator:

to regenerate.
Hey there, here's why everybody is talking about our advanced bias free fit!

Our big data pipeline delivers real-time power to your disruptive ai by enhancing it with our cutting-edge social brand focused on a truly revolutionary candidate community. This helps you leverage our state-of-the-art referral acquisition for your cultural retention so you no longer have to worry about your exponential platform.

That's why people can't stop talking about our unprecedented talent engagement!

Order now!

Copy this text to your investor deck and you’re done. Have potential investors read the text carefully and ask them if they have any questions. They won’t. Have fun being filthy rich.

Scientific explanification:

If you click regenerate you get random combinations of “Talent”,”Candidate”,”Cultural”,”Disruptive”,”Big data”,”Social”,”Exponential”,”Bias free”,”Referral” and “AI”,”Community”,”Platform”,”Engagement”,”Acquisition”,”Retention”,”Pipeline”,”Brand”,”Fit”.

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